CELEBRATING CHRIST, CARING FOR COMMUNITYTransforming lives with the love of Jesus
At Watoto Church, we meet collectively every weekend with over 30,000 people at 17 different locations across Uganda and South Sudan. But we know this means nothing if our neighbour is left hungry and alone.
It’s the love of Jesus that compels us to embrace those hurting in our world. This is why we have small gatherings throughout the week in our homes, offices, parks and coffee shops. This is where we walk beside one another and truly grow as a family.

Transforming lives with the love of Jesus
At Watoto Church, we meet collectively every weekend with over 30,000 people at 17 different locations across Uganda and South Sudan. But we know this means nothing if our neighbour is left hungry and alone.
It’s the love of Jesus that compels us to embrace those hurting in our world. This is why we have small gatherings throughout the week in our home, offices, parks and coffee shops. This is where we walk beside one another and truly grow as a family.

Putting our faith in action
In our neighbourhoods we discover and develop close connections. It’s here where we laugh, grow closer to one another, help our communities in practical ways, and build up our neighbours with joy as we see lives transformed and this beautiful continent rebuilt.
We celebrate Christ because of what His love has done for us
We worship Him through music, dance and passionate celebration, but church is not simply an event that we come to—it’s a family that we belong to.
Putting our faith in action
In our neighbourhoods we discover and develop close connections. It’s here where we laugh, grow closer to one another, help our communities in practical ways, and build up our neighbours with joy as we see lives transformed and this beautiful continent rebuilt.

We celebrate Christ because of what His love has done for us
We worship Him through music, dance and passionate celebration, but church is not simply an event that we come to—it’s a family that we belong to.
We believe that God’s call for the global church is to care for the hurting and vulnerable